Replacing Your Roof, 5 Signs That It’s Time

No roofing material lasts forever. Deciding when to replace your roof is an important consideration. Replacing it too soon will mean you don’t get the full value from your investment. Waiting too long can lead to costly repairs of the underlying roof deck or even the interior of your home. The price you have to […]

Having a Chimney Cap Installed to Keep Birds out of the Fireplace

Chimneys can become a nesting spot for birds, raccoons, squirrels and other animals. Not knowing they are there or have built a nest there can lead to a variety of dangerous situations. These include opening the flue and having pests access your home or nesting material catching fire high up in your chimney where it […]

Do Seamless Guter Prices Drop when Having a New Roof Installed?

When it’s time for a new roof, does it also make sense to have the gutters and downspouts replaced? You might find that it is cost-effective, and there may be other reasons to consider having the work done when having a new roof installed. Prices Might Be Lower Most roofing contractors also install gutters and […]

Can An Attic Vent Fan Extend the Life of a Roof?

Many homeowners have heard discouraging news from roofing contractors telling them their roof is ruined years before it should need to be replaced.  The cause is often excessive heat or moisture in the attic, problems that can be resolved with the installation of an attic vent fan.  In this roof guide we discuss problems caused […]

How Much Does a New Roof Cost?

Having a new or replacement roof installed is a large expense for most homeowners.  This roofing guide looks at the major factors in the cost of a new roof. 1. The Type of Roofing Material This is the largest factor in what the total roof price will be.  Prices for materials differ widely but here […]