Hurricane Preparedness Kit For Roofs
When hurricane season hits, it might take aim at your roof, tearing off shingles and leaving your home vulnerable to driving rain and wind.
Having a Hurricane Preparedness Kit for your roof makes a lot of sense. Put one together now before a tropical storm or hurricane starts blowing your way.
When one of these monster storms is approaching, local home improvement stores often run out of these roofing supplies quickly as home and business owners hustle to be prepared. If you don’t use the supplies, you can always return them for a refund, though keeping them on-hand might be a better idea.
Materials for your Hurricane Preparedness Roof Kit
First and foremost, pay attention to roof safety practices! The last thing you need during times like this, is a reason to sit in a hospital, likely overcrowded with other emergencies!
A Ladder: When you check for roof damages, you’ll need to access your roof for a roof inspection. Do you have a sturdy, high-quality ladder? You might not be able to borrow one from a neighbor if he’s using it and half the neighborhood is waiting to borrow it. If lightning is an issue where you live or overhead lines are near your home, consider purchasing a fiberglass ladder that won’t conduct electricity. It will cost more but keep you safer.
Tarps: If you find missing roofing material during the roof inspection, it is important to cover the damaged area immediately. Your home will be unprotected against future rainstorms. The rain might damage the roof deck, roofing tresses or leak into your home where it can destroy drywall, flooring, cabinets and more.
When using a tarp to cover a damaged roof, be sure to drape the tarp over the ridge or the roof. If you don’t, rain will run beneath the tarp and may find its way to vulnerable spots left by damaged roofing material.
Roofing Nails: You’ll need to fasten the tarp with long, tough nails. Standard roofing nails might be enough. Consider framing nails such as 16-lb nails. Try to nail into the roof beneath the flap of a shingle so that you’re not putting a nail through a shingle where water can get in. If you can’t do that, drive in the nail and then put waterproof caulk around the entry point.
Here’s another clue with nails. Pick up some large flat washers with a small hole. Place a washer on the nail before driving it in. The washer will help to hold down the tarp and prevent the nail from tearing through. Another option is to buy 2×4 studs and wrap them in the edge of the tarp. Drive nails through the studs into the roof. This will improve the hold as well. Add caulk, washers and lumber to your shopping list if you choose to use them.
Documents and Information for your Hurricane Kit
Put together a file that contains your homeowners’ insurance policy and contact information for your insurance agent. You might also want to find out the number for your insurance company’s call center that handles calls for emergency insurance claims. They’ll be better equipped to handle the potential large volume of calls than your agent’s local office might be.
If you have a preferred roofing contractor, you should include contact information for them as well.
Putting together a Hurricane Preparedness Kit for your roof before a storm bears down on your home will help you minimize future problems if the roof is damaged. If the storm does hit your home, make sure you get someone out that is an expert in inspecting your roof, have it done immediately and if there is damage, file an insurance claim quickly too. These steps will help you to quickly assess the need for roof repairs and allow you to get them done as quickly as possible.